
How to create windows forms application using visual studio 2015 c++ ?

  1. Create new project: CLR Empty Project ?
  2. Add new item: UI -> Windows Form
  3. Set this options in project properties: Configuration Properties -> Linker -> System -> SubSystem -> WINDOWS (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS); Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Entry Point: main
  4. Your form .cpp file you should look like this:

    #include "MyForm.h"

    using namespace System;
    using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

    void main(array^ args)
     mach2gamessnake::MyForm form;


How to create remote Git repository in Visul Studio using visualstudio.com ?

[Attention: This is not full description]
1/ Create online repository
2/ Connect to repo from Visual Studio
3/ Clone repo locally to empty folder
4/ Create solution under repo control (add manually or create from TeamFoundation tab)