
Custom immutable class MoneyAmmount using class Immutable

Warrning: If u want to publish in your class some collection property u should use Immutable.Clone() method to prevent from casting fg ReadOnlyCollection to List by client and change real published collection objects states



How to get procedure name from sql script using regular expressions ?

Plain text:

public class ProcedureNameProvider : SqlObjectNameProvider { protected override string RegExPattern => @"((?!PROCEDURE).)*[\s]+PROCEDURE(\s*)(?[^\s]+)[\s]+"; public override string GetNameFromSqlScript(string sqlObjectDefinition) { Match match = new Regex(RegExPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase).Match(sqlObjectDefinition); return match.Success ? NormalizeBrackets(match.Groups["proc_name"].Value) : String.Empty; } }