

How to remove repository in TFS Online ?

1. Navigate to: https://{your_account_name}.visualstudio.com/DefaultCollection/_admin
2. Choose your repository + right click + choose delete


How to remove Softonic Web Search from computer, chrome, firefox, ie ?

a/ unistall all programs that might install Softonic Web Search on your computer: SafeFinder (I had a problem with deletion of this prog so I had to do point g/)
b/ [optional] I have not noticed any help but I did it: Install and run Yeat Another Cleaner http://www.yac.mx/
c/ Install and run: AdwCleaner - link on this site: http://www.malwareremovalguides.info/remove-sonicsearch-adware-free-virus-removal-guide/
d/ I found that there is a suspected service called Lightzap running on start of my system: C:\ProgramData\\Lightzap\\Lightzap.exe -f "C:\ProgramData\\Lightzap\\Lightzap.dat" -l -a I removed it and its dependant folder.
e/ I reset chrome settings and ie settings with "Delete personal settings" option choosed
f/ restart computer
g/ Recover your last good system settings: Control Panel -> Recovery -> Configure System Restore -> System restore -> choose wright restoring point